Steven Erikson: As for Whiskeyjack -- no, he will not reappear in this series. May he rest in peace.(Q and A with malazanempire No 2 (2003))
Steven Erikson: Whiskeyjack was in both the Second and Third Armies, at different times.(Interview with wotmania (2003))
Sergeant Whiskeyjack, 9th Squad, past commander of the 2nd Army (GotM, Dramatis Personae)
'Whiskeyjack, a man buckling under his own legend, a man who’s
climbed more than one mountain of the dead in service to the Empire.' (GotM, UK Trade, p.44)
'Set deep in a lined, exhausted face, his dark grey eyes...grizzled, wiry beard'(GotM, UK Trade, p.42)
Dujek Onearm:'Whiskeyjack was a superb swordsman . . . used to spar with Dassem Ultor and it’d take a while for Dassem to get past his guard.'(MoI, UK Trade, p.871)
'Kalam could make little sense of the ascendancy. This Spiritwalker's blessing on a company of soldiers. The parting of the fabric at Raraku. He was both comforted and uneasy with the notion of guardians - Fiddler's life had been saved by Hedge's ghost.... but where was Whiskeyjack? Had he been there as well?' (BH UKTpb, p. 71)
T'riss to Dunsparrow : 'Did you know you were marked? No, I gather you did not - you were but newborn when sanctified, after all. And then stolen away, from the emple, by your brother. Hood never forgave him for that, and took in the end a most satisfying vengeance..' (BH UTpb, p.495)
Dramatis Personae