
The Whirlwind Goddess

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago

Febryl: 'The goddess was a spirit, once...but what kind of spirit? One that rides the desert winds, you might think. But you are wrong. A spirit of stone? Sand? No, none of these ...There were once texts – inscribed on fired clay – from a cult of the First Empire, copies of which survived until the fall of Ugarat. The few T’lan Imass the humans managed to destroy when they rebelled were each buried in sacred sites. Sites such as this one...'


Kamist Reloe: 'She is a creature of rage. Such fury does not belong to T’lan Imass—’


Febryl: 'Unless she had reason. Memories of a betrayal, perhaps, from her mortal life. A wound too deep to be eradicated by the Ritual of Tellann...It does not matter. The spirit is T’lan Imass.’


Kamist Reloe: 'Does the Ritual of Tellann still bind her?’


Febryl: 'No. She broke those chains long ago and has reclaimed her soul – Raraku’s secret gifts are those of life and death, as primal as existence itself. It returned to her all that she had lost – perhaps even the rebirth of her rage.'

(HoC, UK Trade, p.600-1)