
Seguleh 2nd

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago

Seguleh 2nd


'A rider emerged from the magical gate at full gallop. Reining in hard, hoofs skidded in clouds of dust, the dark grey horse a monstrous apparition, the hide worn away in places, exposing tendons, dried muscle and ligaments. Its eyes were empty pits, its mane long and greasy, whipping as the beast tossed it's head. Seated in a high-backed saddle, the rider was, if anything even more alarming in appearance. Black, ornate armour, patched with verdigris, a dented, gouged helm, open-faced to reveal mostly bone, a few strips of flesh hanging from the cheek ridges, tendons binding the lower jaw, and a row of blackened filed teeth.

In the brief moment as the horse reared, dust exploding outward, Cutter saw more weapons on the rider than he could count. Swords at his back, throwing axes, sheathed handles jutting upwards from the saddle, something like a boar-spitter, the bronze point as long as short sword, gripped in the gauntleted left hand. A long bow, a short bow, knives - ' (BH UKTpb. p. 128)

Heboric to Cutter : 'The Soldier of Hood, High House Death. He'll not trouble us, I think.'

'The Soldier was tall, and Cutter now saw something hanging from a knife-studded belt. An enamel mask, cracked, smudged, with a single streak of red paint along one cheek. The Daru's eyes widened. "Beru fend", he whispered. "A Seguleh!" (BH UKTpb p. 128/9)


The Seguleh 2nd is currently hunting Skinner