

Page history last edited by Eloth 15 years ago



'Mael, Elder Lord of the Seas, was wide and squat, with deep blue kin that faded to pale gold at throat and bared belly. Lank blond hair hung unbound from his broad, almost flat pate. And in Mael's amber eyes, sizzling rage' (MT)


"Many names, of course.  When the colonists from the First Empire set forth, they made sacrifice to the salty seas in the name of Jhistal.  The Tiste Edur in their great war canoes opened veins to feed the foam, and this red froth they called Bloodmane – in the Edur language that word was Mael.  The Jheck who live upon the ice call the dark waters beneath that ice the Lady of Patience, Barutalan.  The Shake speak of  Neral, the Swallower."(DoD)


Torvald Nom:'...Mael's chosen beast of the sea is the shark.' (HoC)


She (Olar Ethil) then turned to Mael.  "Your daughters run wild." The old man shrugged.  "Daughters will do that.” (DoD) 



The priest of Elder Mael

dreams rising seas...



(DG, UK MMPB, p.119)