
Kalam Mekhar

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 7 months ago

Kalam Mekhar




Corporal Kalam, 9th Squad, an ex-Claw from Seven Cities (GotM, Dramatis Personae)


Apsalar: 'Kalam. He was a Falah'dan's Dagger, and the Claw gave him command of a Hand. Kalam's a master assassin...' (DG, UK MMPB, p.63)


'The man was big, bearish...his dangerous glide... Snake indeed, the man’s a

killer, a soldier who’s reached the next level in the art of murder.'(GotM, UK Trade, p.59)


'north Seven Cities accent, melodic and round'(GotM, UK Trade, p.61)


'Kalam was recruited into the Claw...That's rare.'(DG, UK MMPB, p.369)



Barathol on Kalam :'Cousin, distant. Mekhar refers to the tribe - it's gone now, slaughtered by Falah'd Enezgura of Aren, during one of his westward conquests.' (BH UKTpb, p.496)