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High House Dark

Page history last edited by Eloth 18 years, 2 months ago

High House Dark



Silverfox and Paran re: High House Dark, Holds, Kurald Galain and Dragnipur


Silverfox: 'I have thought long and hard on this...Anomander Rake is Knight of the House of Dark...yet where is the House itself ? Before all else there was Dark, the Mother who birthed all. So it must be an ancient place, a Hold, or perhaps something that came before Holds themselves. A focus for the gate into Kurald Galain . . . undiscovered, hidden, the First Wound, with a soul trapped in its maw, thus sealing it.’


Ganoes Paran: 'A soul...or a legion of souls...Before Houses there were Holds ... Both fixed, both stationary. Settled. Before settlement...there was wandering. House from Hold, Hold from...a gate in motion, ceaseless motion...A wagon, burdened beneath the countless souls sealing the gate into Dark...’ And I sent two Hounds through that wound, I saw the seal punctured...


(MoI, UK Trade, p.119)


The Deck of Dragons