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Page history last edited by Eloth 14 years, 8 months ago



'...a corporal by the sigil on his surcoat...Beneath the dull tin sigil was a larger stain, where the surcoat's dye was unweatered - the man had once been a sergeant.

To match his frame, the corporal's face was flat and wide, evincing north Kanese blood somewhere in his ancestry. His head was shaved, showing razor scars, some still blotted with dried blood.' (DG, UK MMPB, p.231)


Gesler and Stormy, they’re the Falari ones, but with skins of gold and muscles and all that, the ones who were re-forged in the fires of Tellann.  Telas, Kurald Liosan, the fires, the ones dragons fly through to gain immunities and other proofs against magic and worse.  Yes, they’re there, too.”(RG)


This Mortal Sword and his words impressed Gu'Rull, insofar as these soft humans could do so; but then, neither the one named Gesler nor the one named Stormy were truly human.  Not anymore.  The aura of their presence was almost blinding to the Shi'gal's eyes.  Ancient fires had forged them.  Thyrllan, Tellann, perhaps even the breath and blood of the Eleint.(DoD)