Dassem Ultor
Dassem Ultor
First Sword of Empire, Traveller,
Dal Honese
Dusky skinned, grey-shot black curled hair cut short, though his eyes were a a deep blue. His features were even, though crisscrossed with scars.
The man’s skin was dark, for he had been born on a savanna. His was a warrior’s build, the muscles lean and sharply defined on his frame. His height was average, though something in his posture made him seem taller.
Dessembrae, Lord of Tears, once Knight of Hood.
The Mystery of Dassem's Daughter
Tremorlor : Upon opening the door, they entered the tower’s ground floor. A stone staircase spiralled up from its centre. At the foot of the saddlebacked steps lay another body, a young, dark-skinned woman who looked as if she had been placed there but an hour before. She was dressed in what were clearly underclothes, though the armour that had once covered them was nowhere to be seen. Vicious wounds crisscrossed her slight form.
Apsalar : ‘This is Dassem Ultor’s daughter. The First Sword recovered her after Hood was done using her, and brought her here, it seems.’
‘Before breaking his vow to Hood—’
‘Aye, before Dassem cursed the god he once served.’)DG)
K'rul to Lady Envy :As petulant as ever, I see. Very well. You chose to turn your back on
the need, when last it arose. Disappointing, that, yet enough did indeed attend to manage the Chaining – although at a cost that your presence would have diminished. ....
Perhaps, perhaps not. Time will tell, as the mortals say. In any case,
you defied the summons at the Chaining, Lady Envy. I will not brook your indifference a second time...
K’rul continued after a moment. We have lost allies in our foolishness.
Dassem Ultor, who was broken by Hood’s taking of his daughter at the Time of the Chaining – this was a devastating blow. Dassem Ultor, the First Sword reborn—
1‘Do you think,’ she asked slowly, ‘that Hood would have taken her for the Chaining, had I answered the summons?’ Am I, she wondered, to blame for Dassem Ultor’s loss?
Hood alone could answer that question, Lady Envy. And he’d likely lie, in any case. Dassem, his Champion – Dessembrae – had grown to rival his power. There is little value in worrying such questions, beyond the obvious lesson that inaction is a deadly choice. Consider: from Dassem’s fall, a mortal empire now totters on the edge of chaos. From Dassem’s fall, the Shadow Throne found a new occupant. From
Dassem’s fall . . . ah, well, the tumbling dominoes are almost countless.
It is done.
First Sword of the Empire - The T'lan Imass version
The last Jaghut in the Odhan had been hunted down, butchered. The time had come to return to the Malazan Empire, to the Emperor who had seated himself in the First Throne. And Onos T'oolan knew he would soon return to the side of Dassem Ultor, his mortal shadow who had taken for himself – and for his closest followers – the title of First Sword. Prophetic inspiration, for they would soon all be dead – as dead as Onos T'oolan, as dead as the T'lan Imass. Or if not dead, then … destroyed.
Instead, Logros had lifted one hand, a splay of gnarled fingers all pointing at Onos. "You were once our First Sword," he said. "When we return to the mortal empire, we shall avow service to Dassem Ultor, for he is your heir to the title. You shall surrender the name of First Sword."
Onos T'oolan considered that for a time. Surrender the title? Cut through the bindings? Sever the knots? Know freedom once more? "He is mortal, Logros. He does not know what he has done, in taking for himself the title of First Sword."
"In service," Logros replied, "the T'lan Imass sanctify him –"
"You would make of him a god?"
"We are warriors. Our blessing shall –"
"Damn him for eternity!"
"Onos T'oolan, you are of no use to us."
"Do you imagine –" and he recalled the timbre of his voice, the seething outrage, and the horror of what Logros sought to do … to a mortal man, to a man destined to face his own death, and that is something we have never done, no, we ever ran from that moment of reckoning – Logros, the Lord of Death shall strike at the T'lan Imass, through him. Hood shall make him pay. For our crime, for our defiance – "Do you imagine," he'd said, "that your blessing could be anything but a curse? You would make him a god of sorrow, and failure, a god with a face doomed to weep, to twist in anguish –"
"Onos T'oolan, we cast you out."
"I shall speak to Dassem Ultor –"
"You do not understand. It is too late."
Too late.
The Adjunct Lorn had believed that it had been the murder of the Emperor that had broken the human empire's alliance with Logros T'lan Imass. She had been wrong. The spilled blood you should have heeded was Dassem Ultor's, not Kellanved's. And for all that neither man truly died, only one bore the deadly kiss of Hood in all the days that followed. Only one stood before Hood himself, and learned of the terrible thing Logros had done to him.
They said Hood was his patron god. They said he had avowed service to the Lord of Death. They said that Hood then betrayed him. They understood nothing. Dassem and his daughter, they were Hood's knives, striking at us. What is it, to be the weapon of a god?
Where are you now, Logros? Do you feel me, so fiercely reborn? My heir – your chosen child – has rejected the role. His footfalls now mark the passing of tragedy. You have made him the God of Tears, and now that Hood is gone, he must hunt down the next one who made him what he was. Do you tremble, Logros? Dassem is coming for you. He is coming for you.
First Sword - General References
Ganoes Paran and Whiskeyjack: "'The First Sword of Empire. We heard it in the capital before we left. He's dead. Is it true? Is Dassem dead?' [...] 'I thought the Third was with him, in Seven Cities. At Y'Ghatan --'
'Hood's breath, they're still looking for his body in the still-hot rubble of that damned city [...]'
'It's said he betrayed a god.'" (GotM, p4f MMPB)
Tattersail to Whiskeyjack : ‘Back in Seven Cities,’ she said quietly, ‘the story goes that the Emperor’s First Sword – his commander of his armies – Dassem Ultor, had accepted a god’s offer. Hood made Dassem his Knight of Death. Then something happened, something went . . . wrong. And Dassem renounced the title, swore a vow of vengeance against Hood – against the Lord of Death himself. All at once other Ascendants started meddling, manipulating events. It all culminated with Dassem’s murder, then the Emperor’s assassination, and blood in the streets, temples at war, sorceries unleashed.’ (GotM, Tpb. p. 98)
K'rul: We have lost allies in our foolishness. Dassem Ultor, who was broken by Hood’s taking of his daughter at the Time of the Chaining – this was a devastating blow. Dassem Ultor, the First Sword reborn—...Dassem, his (Hood's)Champion – Dessembrae – had grown to rival his power... Consider: from Dassem’s fall, a mortal empire now totters on the edge of chaos. From Dassem’s fall, the Shadow Throne found a new occupant.(MoI, UK Trade, p.236-7)
"[...] like Dujek (Hairlock) had been there with the Emperor's Old Guard, when the first vipers of ursupation had stirred, the day the Empire's First Sword was betrayed and brutally murdered." (GotM, p69 MMPB)
'Early in Kellanved's reign, cults proliferated among the Imperial armies, particularly among the Marines. It should be remembered that this was also the time of Dassem Ultor, First Sword and Supreme Commander of the Malazan forces...a man sworn to Hood...
Malazan Campaigns, vol.II
Duiker' (DG, UK MMPB, p.211)
''Dessembrae. The Cult of Dassem'' (DG Tpb, p.321)
Apsalar to Fiddler : ‘Dancer trusted but two men. One was Kellanved. The other was
Dassem Ultor, the First Sword. Dassem is dead.' (DG Tpb, p130)
It is one thing to lead by example with half a dozen soldiers at your back. It is wholly another with ten thousand. - Life of Dassem Ultor - Duiker (DG Tpb,p.270)
Nok to Tavore :'Dassem Ultor – who was, like Kellanved, of Dal Honese blood' (HoC Tpb, p.208)