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last edited
by PBworks 18 years, 10 months ago
Steven Erikson: are all gods ascendants? If you mean ascendant in the general sense of being very powerful, then yes. If you mean ascendant in terms of progression, then there are exceptions. Most of the animistic ones, for example (the totemic, tribal ones) derived from the act of worship, or the attribution of significance to a particular place.(Q and A with malazanempire No 2 (2003))
- Apsalar, Lady of Thieves
- Beru, Lord of Storms
- Burn, The Sleeping Goddess
- Cotillion,The Rope, Patron of Assassins
- D'rek, The Worm of Autumn
- Dessembrae, Lord of Tears
- Fener, Tennerock, the Boar, the Boar of Five Tusks, the Bereft
- Gedderone, Lady of Spring and Rebirth
- Hood, King of High House Death
- Jhess, Queen of Weaving
- Mowri, Lady of Beggars, Slaves and Serfs
- Nerruse, Lady of Calm Seas and Fair Winds
- Oponn, Twin Jesters of Chance
- Poliel, Mistress of Pestilence and Disease
- Shadowthrone, Ammanas, King of High House Shadow
- Soliel, Shedenul, Lady of Health, Mistress of Healing
- T'riss, Queen of Dreams, Queen of High House Life
- Treach, Trake, The Tiger of Summer
Elder Gods
- Draconus, Elder God
- Fanderay, Farand, the She Wolf of Winter
- Grizzin Farl, Elder God
- K'rul, Elder God of the Warrens
- Kilmandaros, Elder Goddess
- Mael, Elder God of the Seas
- Nightchill, Sister of Cold Nights
- Sechul Lath, ?
- Togg, Togchta, The Wolf of Winter
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